Thursday, April 26, 2012


Dear students,

Here are some of the instructions for the newspaper proyect. Each group is going to write 4 articles (one for each student). The groups are organized according to the section of the news:
1. Entertainment: Moises, Miguel, Christian, Pipe
2. Earth Protection: Laura, Martin, Paula, Ivan
3. Sports: Daniel Muñoz, Daniel Yepes, Antonio, Daniel Moreu.
4. Fashion: Valentina, Melanie, Maria José and Alan.

The purpose of this proyect is to write an individual article and the groups are only going to share the paper Kraft. The rest of the proyect is individual.

For tomorrow: Bring at least 3 newspaper articles in english printed and paper Kraft.. (due: friday 27th )

In class: You are going to articulate the different articles into one single article with the instructions given by the teacher. At the end of the class you will have one original article written by yourself on your notebook. Leave the notebook for revision of article to Ms. Cata.

On Wednesday´s class: your will write the article, paste pictures and organize the newspaper.

On Thursday: Finish  Newspaper article. and present it to the elementary school.

TIP: To help you find the articles, here are some links that migh be usefull for you:

You can find other articles in different newspapers in english. Be creative. Good Luck!!!

Ms. Cata.

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